Summer Holidays Football

Summer Holidays

Ah - the joys of the school summer holidays.  Weeks of fun in the sun, and magical days out. Happy smiling children as you plan the next exciting adventure for them… 🌞😎

Or more realistically your once orderly routine has descended into chaos, the BBC weather app has become your new best friend in an effort to dodge the rain, and you're constantly managing the demands for a never ending supply of snacks!

But as the summer holidays draw to a close and sanity slowly re-emerges, thoughts turn to the new school year and how much you're going to miss them. Yes, really…

Maybe your child is starting primary school for the first time.  Or setting off on a grand new adventure in secondary education. Or maybe your young adult is flying the nest and heading for their first taste of independence at college or university.

Whatever stage they’re at, you’ll start to feel them cutting away from you. Did they really grow up so quickly? Don’t I have more time with them? Will I become less relevant in their life?

In answer to the above questions. Yes. Yes. And a resounding NO! Parenting is a roller coaster ride. Enjoy every milestone. Every transition.  And treasure every precious moment – even if it is still raining!


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